Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Niiiiice Package

It seems that this is how they do condiment packets in Australia. I feel like Dave is holding out on me. How sweet is that design?

1 comment:

gwtgator said...

i'll stick to the good old usa packets that inevitably tear all the way down the side. now i can't aim my stream of ketchup into the that pocket of heaven between the bun and the dog that ketchup was made for. instead it all comes out in one glob, and i'm forced to even the glob out with the mustard/relish packet that follows.

then there's the issue of the wasted ketchup that remains on the lip of the destroyed foil package. since it's impossible to squeegee out that last bit of sauce, your options are: 1) wipe the packet on your dog/bun to get that last bit of sauce, or 2) suck it off manually(!).