Yes, you read that correctly. Write-Off, not Write-Up.
Check out
this post from a savvy tax lawyer which discusses whether or not the condiments Tim and I buy to try for the blog are tax-deductible!! Well, actually it just discusses this generally, but it's more fun if we think I actually asked the question.
Essentially the answer is no (boo-hiss), mostly because Tim and I don't make money off this blog (we do it for the love of the condiments MAN. not the money!), and even if we did, we would only be able to write off that portion of the condiment we used for blog-related purposes; any items left over for household use would not be deductible.
Can you really imagine that? Ok, let's see, I tested 1/12 of this bottle of ketchup, so I can write off 1/12 of the $3.69 I paid for it. Um. Yeah. No. As much as I'd love to make this blog and condiment taste-testing my full time career, my guess is that this is just a pipe dream.
There's still great ways to use all the extra condiments you're storing, however. Check out
Greg's awesome ideas for "mining out" your fridge and putting those good leftovers to use. I especially dig his
Frank's reference, because we all know its one of our faves!